Why Vulnerability is Exactly What We Need Right Now

The New York Times dedicated their Sunday paper to the nearly 100,000 lives lost so far to Covid-19. That is scary! It is difficult for me to even grasp the magnitude of such a large number of deaths in such a short period. But it is real and the number is getting larger each day. … Continue reading Why Vulnerability is Exactly What We Need Right Now

Trying To Sell Tomorrow To Those With No Today

Our job is to help kids dream big. We want them to realize that with education anything is possible. And to an extent this is true. We show them the myriad of possibilities that lay before them and hope that this is enough to light a spark that will eventually catch fire. Sometimes this works. … Continue reading Trying To Sell Tomorrow To Those With No Today

3 Things to Remember When Helping Students Living With Trauma & Toxic Stress

The hammering, sawing and drilling next door was more than I could stand. I had planned on a peaceful and relaxing day. Instead, what I got was an experience that I won’t soon forget and one that has helped me rethink the effects that childhood trauma and toxic stress can have on our students’ emotional … Continue reading 3 Things to Remember When Helping Students Living With Trauma & Toxic Stress